welcome to



Sunday @ 10AM with Hosts
Then every 90 minutes through the week



Most frequent questions and answers

CenterPoint Virtual is our newest campus launched in 2023. We are fully online with worship services, biblical teaching, small groups, and more. To learn more or to give to help with this vision please use the Contact and Give links at the bottom of this page.

Everyone is welcome — that includes you! We are all broken, messed up sinners seeking to grow a relationship with Jesus and be a reflection of him in this world. No matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or where you are in life or in your faith walk, we hope you’ll join us.

This is a great question. We do not have a physical location. But if the last few years have taught us anything it is that we can make meaningful connections virtually as long as we remain intentional. We are leveraging technology to provide spaces for these meaningful interactions.

Sunday Gathering – We offer our Sunday morning service at various times during the week and during our 10:00 AM ET (U.S.) service on Sunday we have open chat, with hosts and each other to engage.

Our Sunday service is shown online and includes a chat section so we can still gather together, even from all of different locations. The service is generally around 45 minutes long. It includes some worship songs (and you can worship however your comfortable, sit, stand, sing out loud or to yourself); some announcements as needed; an encouraging and relevant message or testimony; and usually a final song and blessing.

We are flexible in our service style. The main idea is that we desire to make this space a safe place to listen, share, grow and hope.

At CenterPoint you’ll hear messages and stories focused on real-life issues. They’re designed to answer your spiritual questions and give Biblical insights as to how to deal with the situations and experiences we all face in life – like anxiety, issues with family or work, dealing with illness, etc.

Our Leadership

Dave Jansen

Teaching Pastor
If you'd like to support this new campus, click on the “Give Now” button below to set up recurring or make one-time donations. Use the dropdown list and choose CenterPoint Virtual.

Get in touch

Contact us by filling in this form any time you have any questions, need support, need prayer, or want to become involved at CenterPoint Virtual.
